Saturday, February 28, 2009

Brazillian Staph Infection

End Farm Internship

And voila! It's already over! It went too fast!
This course allowed me to refine my project on a lot of points: rearing techniques, organization of work, arrangement of buildings, sales strategy ... etc. and above all it me again reinforced in my life change.

was a great experience with very friendly people, interesting encounters and lots of useful things for my project.
The rest of the program? Find
farm which will correspond to our project. Ideally 50 to 60ha in the Pays d'Auge calvadosien.

Above is a small sheep that was very familiar even though she has not brought a bottle. It is not usual behavior as a sheep. It was just my darling I admit :-)

Monday, February 23, 2009

Ear Infection Wisdom Tooth


The sheep are in the barn on straw. You have to put straw all about 2 days: the mulch.

We use a 400kg bale of straw around. Obviously, we use a machine to handle all this: the telescope. This is more manoeuvrable and more powerful than a tractor, it is suitable for such operations.

It therefore takes a bale of straw (round or rectangular) with alligator clip (or fork) of the telescope.

Then, remove the strings that surround the straw, then take a portion of the straw.

And straw is deposited into the fold as far as possible to distribute it more easily then.
Finally we end with hand or fork to make little piles of straw around the barn. The sheep will then load properly display while walking inside.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Access Front Camera On Nokia E71


late January, all the chickens are parties to the slaughterhouse, it is the beginning of the crawl that lasts 1 month. Should be cleaned two barns before the arrival of the new hens in late February.

We start by disassembling the interior of the henhouse.

Then cure .... there is work ...

Then we clean all karcher: elements, feed, soil, walls and ceiling.

Then we go back the decking, feeders, drinkers, etc. ...

And it's over, the barns are willing to receive young chickens.