Saturday, July 25, 2009
Oświecenie Krytyka Chrześcijaństwa
LINC Val-de-Marne and the MSA Idf, provide a forum for discussion in Creteil , two Saturdays per month from 10 am to 12 pm in premises LINC 4.
Free admission (no pre-registration) and free .
Aimed at close (spouse, children, friends ...) engaged in supporting a person aged 60 and over who resides at home or in institutions for:
· Be "pause" and take time for yourself
· Keep the link and feel less alone
· To share his difficulties and compose together
· Develop plans for self and Greeted with his close
over coffee ... by a psychologist, participants share their questions and reflections about the disease, coaching requires that their relative, and shall provide mutual advice and support.
Open to families and loved ones, regardless of place of residence, their parent or friend.
This work is funded by the state Insurance disease under the Regional Programme of Public Health and Social Mutuality Agricole d'Ile-de-France.
To download: Open in new window / Action / Download PDF
Friday, July 24, 2009
How To Use A Duoderm Patch
The CAAP program Consulting & Coaching for Family carers of elderly patients .
Hospital Charles Foix offers a support program for caregivers of patients with Alzheimer's disease or related diseases.
- A cycle of five weeks , Designed for family caregivers of a relative whose illness was diagnosed recently .
- A cycle of seven weeks , intended for family members dealing with the everyday person . The
free sessions are renewed every two months.
Phone Listings 01 49 59 43 74 or 01 49 59 43 80
Monday to Friday from 9h to 13h and 14h to 17h
Groupe Hospitalier Charles Foix-Jean Rostand
7, avenue de la République in IVRY
Access: RER
C: Gare d'Ivry
Metro: line 7 - Mairie d'Ivry station, then bus 182
Bus: line 182 - stop at Charles Foix
To download: Open in new window / Action / download format PDF
Ikusa Otome Suvia Dvdiso
January 2010
March 2010
May 2010
July 2010
October 2010
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Wire In Kidde Smoke Detector Keeps Beeping
- Facilitate access to rights and appropriate devices
- Orient
to partners - Develop an individualized plan to help and coordinate its implementation
- Promote prevention and support for family caregivers (discussion groups, workshops and debates ...)
- Foster joint interventions health, social and medico-social
- C oordinating and mobilize the local network of professionals working in the field gerontology, to promote information sharing and partnership working
You are retired
- For information on your rights: ABS (Custom Allocation to Talk), social welfare accommodation ...
- To advise on appropriate activities ( recreation, fitness, health): Leisure Clubs, Fall Prevention ...
- To accompany a new life plan: accommodations, aids and home care, home equipment, travel ...
You are professional
- The CLIC is a place for information and sharing practices among professionals in health, social and medico-social gerontology sector.
You are helping family
- To help you better manage the difficulties caused by supporting an elderly person or by taking charge of a sick person.
- To promote exchange groups and support for caregivers, workshops and debates ...
LINC LINC promotes joint health interventions, social and medico-social between: ■
town halls, CCAS, health centers
■ ■
The General Council of Social Service Area Departmental Solidarity (EDS) ■
professionals in the Allowance Custom Self (APA)
■ hospitals and clinical institutions
■ Accommodation
■ Pension funds (IRC)
■ Support services and home care associations
■ ■ families
associations of retirees and elderly
■ ■
Liberal professionals associations ■ Recreation
Fontenay-sous-Bois - Saint-Mandé - Vincennes
Refinishing A Metal Daybed
Tuesday, June 29, 2010 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Cultural Centre Georges Pompidou
142, rue de Fontenay 94300 Vincennes
Admission free upon registration with the CLIC1:
How cope with the ordeal of losing a loved one? Beyond the difficulty and suffering caused by this test of life, it is necessary to organize. Must know or be able to prepare.
Preparing for the loss of a loved one's estate plan, ... are acts of foresight. The main obstacle seems to be lack of information. That is why this conference proposes to address these issues.
1 - Funeral rites and stages of grief (submitted by BIFA, French Association of Information Funeral)
2 - Survivors' pensions (the general and supplementary pensions) - Fees related to professional activity: reversion of the basic system and complementary - from Human solidarity: the allocation widowhood, solidarity allowance for the elderly (presented by the Cicas 94, Center for Information and Coordination of Social Action-Agirc Arrco)
3 - Inheritance and transfer of assets (presented by the Chamber of Notaries)
Tuesday, June 29, 2010 14:00 at 17:30
Cultural Centre Georges Pompidou
142, rue de Fontenay 94300 Vincennes
(Bus: 124, 118, 318, 115, 56 - Near Metro and RER)
Entry Free registration with the CLIC1:
Organization: CLIC1 , sector Fontenay-sous-Bois - Vincennes - Saint-Mande and supplementary pension institutions AGIRC-ARRCO